Phone: 215-822-6401 | Toll Free: 800-203-3419


Introducing the Ioncell In-Line Ionizer for pin-point static neutralization

The Ioncell enables stunning performance in longer-length delivery lines by overcoming ion recombination limitations; enabling focused ionized air to be delivered to previously inaccessable locations.


* Pipes ions through long tubes
* Compact design

* Various output attachments available

* Powered by low voltage power supply
or through 24VDC input

* Can daisy-chain up to 6 units

Click here for more information.

Did you know?

Due to new UL standards, we have increased the size of the pultrusion for our PerforMAX line of static bars. What does that mean for you? Beginning this month, our PerforMAX line of static bars are now compliant with the new standards, PLUS they're even more robust, while still providing the high output ionization and quality engineering that you can expect from Simco-Ion.

If you have any questions, please contact Simco-Ion customer service at (215) 822-6401 or email

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