Phone: 215-822-6401 | Toll Free: 800-203-3419


Looking to Reduce Your Compressed Air Consumption?


If you're tired of paying the high costs to use compressed air for heavy duty surface cleaning or drying, you'll be happy to know that our Magnum Force Air Knife System provides powerful cleaning without the need for clean, dry air.  By combining powerful static neutralization with an energy efficient blower, the Magnum Force can reduce your operational costs by 30-70%!  Simco-Ion's Magnum Force Air Knife System


Get your customized Magnum Force quote today and find out how much you could be saving.




Coming Next Month...



You've spoken and we've listened! We're working behind the scenes preparing for the launch of our new user friendly Simco-Ion website.  Our new site will have simplified navigation and provide quick access to company news, documentation, and the latest events.  Stay tuned...


We'll be in Booth #4207 at Plastec East!


Plastec East/MD&DM East in Philadelphia is next week.  Will we see you there? Register now for free admission to the show and make sure you don't miss us!


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