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In the ever-evolving landscape of manufacturing, the demand for effective static control solutions has seen a remarkable transformation. In this blog post, we explore the changing needs and demands for static control over the past few years.

A notable trend that has emerged is the shift in attitude towards operator shocks and production issues caused by static electricity. In the early 2000s, it was not uncommon for companies to accept occasional shocks and line slowdowns as inevitable parts of the converting process and not worth solving. However, today, such tolerance for static-related disruptions is rare to find across companies of all sizes.

With advancements in technology, particularly the ability to measure the effectiveness of static control devices, a new era of proactive solutions has emerged. Once it became possible to know how well a static control device was working, the predicative element, which can then warn operators of high charges associated with operator shocks, brush discharges, and line slowdowns became very important to meet customer safety and quality objectives.

As a result, the demand for intelligent, consistent, and reliable static control devices has steadily increased. Companies now prioritize solutions that not only mitigate static issues but also contribute to improved safety and quality objectives.

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